Thursday, May 28, 2009

New Pics of my girl

This is a picture of her extended trio taken by the Forest Lake Times photographer. She is the one in the front. You can read the entire local story here. They took 5th at state as a team. They had hoped to do better, but I am pleased with her progress.

In other news, school is almost over and I am dragging along like the kids. Eli is having fun playing outfield in baseball and he seems to get a hit almost every time at bat. I just wish that the weather would cooperate. We wore our winter jackets yesterday to watch him play - the temp was 50 with a 10mph north wind. He won so I guess it was worth it!

Thanks for reading! Blessings

Friday, May 08, 2009

Friday Fave Five # 36

As always, I do not regularly post on Fave Fridays, so my list is not just for this week. I love reading the posts so here is my list. Thanks Susanne for hosting this.

1) Synchronized Swimming: I suppose I would not be such a fan if my daughter had not taken up the sport and excelled in it. I want to direct you to this post to see her duet from this year. I am just always amazed!

2) Planting flowers: I have never really been much of a gardener, but it has been such a joy planting my annuals and just digging in the dirt. The tomatos and peppers are in the garden and I finally made a path in my strawberry patch. I back hurt a little from leaning over, but it was all worth it.

3) New Candles: Yes, it is summer time and candles are usually a winter thing, but my friend had a candle party and I ordered the "mystery candle" box. It was kind of fun seeing what kind of scents came in the bargain box.

4) Good Health: My husband and I both teach and we are grateful that we are healthy. With this new flu virus going around, it seems like we are exposed to it all. The kids seem to be healthy as well. I can't wait to air the house out a little bit.

5) God's Provision: I know that this seems so general. I have really felt thankful for God giving me the talent to teach and work and raise my family. I know so many people are struggling financially and I am grateful to be working. It isn't what I have done, but God blessing me. I am praying that I may use the things He gave me to bless others.

I think that is all for now.


Sunday, May 03, 2009

Synchro 2009

I will let the video speak for itself. My daughter is totally amazing! I am so incredibly proud of her. Sections is in two weeks and then onto state. Go Charity!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Rotary Dial Phone

This was an interesting moment for me last week.

The payphone - I know, hard to come by as is - at our community pool is a rotary dial phone. My son was playing with it as I was waiting for his sister after a synchro meet last week. He asked me how it worked. I was astonished at the fact that he would not know how it worked - yet, when would my 9 year old have ever used one? I only had one as a kid and then had touch tone as a teen when I really used the phone. Remember those long curly cords that stretched for miles? You could never lose the phone - just follow the cord!

Anyway, I stopped and showed him how you put your finger into the hole with the number you want and then push it to the metal stop and let go. He heard the clicking on the phone as it spun back to it's original spot. The boy can send a text message but is baffled by a rotary phone. It was just one of those generation moments that I didn't think would happen until I was much older.

It was an aha moment that I needed to share with all of you!


Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Time Flies

I cannot believe that it has been almost a month since I last posted. Work and family have just overtaken my life. This has been the first week that I have actually been home to make dinner all week. We have been eating in shifts and often fast food - that has not helped my diet. My husband is down 15 pounds and I am just stuck at 10. It just isn't fair - besides the monthly cycle caused unusual urges for chocolate! Not fair at all!

List of things I have been doing

1) Work: creating a new unit for my classes has caused me to have less time for blogging

2) Daughter: Need I say more. Carting her from her to there for synchro practice and an occasional party. Volunteering to coordinate concessions for the big section meet in May. I must not have enough to do. Ha!

3) Birthday: I had my 40th birthday on March 28. Did some celebrating. My husband took me to a "romantic" dinner - (read alone without the kids). It was a great italian place with fancy glasses with no straws. He even had a coupon - my husband is so amazing that way.

4) Chores: the normal stuff that keeps us women busy, shopping, laundry, etc.

5) Husband: Keeping him busy - he had spring break last week. I will hire out the best window washer and odd jobs doer ever! He raked the whole yard and set up the trampoline. Our ideas of vacation definitely differ.

6) Playing the Wii with my son. We have this roller coaster game that he really likes. It has been fun spending time with him.

7) Reading: I have been re-reading the Little House on the Prairie Books and decided that I am just too lazy to have been a pioneer woman. My family would have starved. Life was more simple - but busy all the time.

That is all that I can think of for now. Must go plan my summer vacation - we are down to 41 days - but who is counting!


Friday, March 13, 2009

"Spring" break in Minnesota

Here are some pictures of our trip to Duluth this past weekend. We really had fun exploring the wonders of God in the winter/spring? This is Eli next to the ice shoved on the shore of Lake Superior.

This is Charity taking a picture for her "boyfriend". Notice the posing? I just couldn't help taking a picture of this moment.

Skiing in Duluth. I am not the best skier, but Eli loves it. It was a good workout for all of us. I hope that you all had a good week. I will try to post the waterpark pictures later. These are much more tropical.


Friday, February 27, 2009

Fave Five #26

I am finally back again. Two days in a row - amazing! Join Suzanne at Living to tell the Story for this fun reflection on your week.

1) Ash Wednesday Service at Church. It is a wonderful way to reflect and have communion together. I also just feed off of the wonderful worship music. My soul is fed and ready to celebrate the resurrection of our king.

2) Snow. It is a hassle to drive in, but I love the way my yard looks after a good snowfall.

3) Music capable phone. We just got new cellphones (along with another 2 year contract!) and I picked one that is music capable. I have an old i-pod that no longer holds a charge, but I can do about the same thing with my phone now. It is such a nice thing when I am grading papers at school.

4) Snowblowers. My husband got up early and dug us out of the plow stuff so that we could go to work this morning. I am so blessed to have him take care of me - and the snowblower helps!

5) Baking cookies. Our oven has been out of commission for about a month - not a great thing in the winter months. I have been using the crockpot a lot and the stovetop burners still worked. We got it fixed last week and the first thing we made was cookies. Nothing like a chewy warm chocolate chip cookie with a glass of milk to make life perfect.

Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the weekend.
