Monday, November 19, 2007


Another busy weekend - full of activities that we wanted to do as a family(mostly):

*We went to the Y on Sat. am. We are doing a weigh in every week at school. The amount on the scale about put me over the edge. I weighed that much when I was 9 months pregnant - but now it is just me. Yikes! We have plans for going a couple of nights this week. There is nothing good on tv anyway!

*I got to serve in the coffee shop at church. I actually have a great time there. We were very busy, with the windy weather people were craving a special warm drink. I didn't even sit down for 3 hours. It felt wonderful to sit and listen to the sermon during the second service.

*Our church has been encouraging each person to notice one person - at work, in your neighborhood, etc. They even launched a separate website, IT WOULD TAKE A MIRACLE, for our December series. Our mission field is here in our city and God has placed us where we are to be that light. I have been praying off and on for a neighbor for years. I invited her to church last year and she was polite, but never came. I just went to a spa party at her new house and she asked if she could come to church with my family this weekend! WOW!! - God just knew that I was afraid to ask again. I know that my "church" is not perfect, but I always know that the truth of Christ is spoken from the pulpit and I hope that her heart with be changed. I can only do so much and it is exciting when God steps in.

If you think of it, say a prayer for someone that you know that needs Christ - invite them to church - or to coffee. God will do amazing things when we let Him. After all, this is the time of miracles. Let us see what God can do!


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