Friday, October 24, 2008


This is one of the verses in bible readings that our church is doing. I have actually been keeping up - no matter how tired I am, or how much I want to read the novel next to my bed.

There are a lot of great verses in Phil 4, but yesterday this one struck a cord. A couple of things that I thought about.

1) Rejoice always. Not sometimes. Not when I feel like it. ALWAYS!

2) I am not rejoicing over my circumstances. I am to rejoice IN the LORD. Not about myself! (amazing insight, huh?). I am rejoicing because he has saved me from an eternity separated from Him. I am rejoicing for all that He is. I am rejoicing because I am known by the great I AM. I am rejoicing because nothing can separate me from His love.

After the long month that I have had, this verse has made a difference to me today. I hope it blesses you too.

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