Lisa, the faithful, is once again leading us in the study of God's faithfulness to the Isrealites in the book of Exodus. Come join us!
Key Verse - Moses speaking to God
"Why should the Egyptians speak, saying, 'With evil intent He brought them out to kill them in the mountains and to destroy them from the face of the earth? Turn from your burning anger and change Your mind about doing harm to Your people." Exodus 32:12
1. Have you ever experienced trials that were best dealt with "in the family" for either your reputation's sake or God's? You may still choose to leave them there, but you are welcome to share if you are comfortable.
I was pregnant out of wedlock. I asked to speak with the church board to explain my plan for adoption and to allow them time to prepare for this situation in their church body. I knew that speaking the truth was the best option. This was a smaller church body about 300-500 members and everyone knew everyone (some of you pastors wives out there probably know what I mean).
When Roger and I choose to raise our child (now 13) I could not believe the uproar! I was expecting this when they originally heard about my pregnancy, but it was unexpected to hear such disagreement about me marrying Roger. Our pastor would not even perform the marriage. We were in shock that this body of believers would not want a family to be together! Maybe they didn't think it was going to work out - who knows.
We stayed for awhile hoping to show them how God can work through our sin and not turn His face, but it seems many people in this church body did not want to see that. We ended up leaving the church because we knew and know that God is so much bigger than that.
2. Have you ever found yourself in a bizarre circumstance and later were able to walk someone through the same/similar situation? Did you recognize the hand of God in it?
I am sure that I have, I just can't think of one at the moment. God is always making divine appointments - big and small. I am always praying that I don't miss the chance to play a part in it.
3. I was in my late twenties before I ever let myself believe God was for me instead of waiting to smack me upside the head everytime I made a mistake. Do you truly believe God is on your side?
I learned early in my walk that God was on my side - it is what brought me to faith in the first place. I have struggles with some of God's other characteristics, but this one I know in my heart is true.
4. If God has ever had you in the Holy Spirit Chokehold (and who hasn't He?), how have you reacted to God's chastisement? Were you bitter? Brokenhearted? Grateful?
God is very patient with me. It takes me a lot of time to know if it is His voice or not. I want to follow, but I also don't want to fail. I tend not to take very big risks for God. I am getting better at knowing when it is God leading or just me wanting to go a certain path. I will often be silent with God (childish I know). Then I come back and thank Him for bringing me back and picking me up. Maybe that is why I keep trying new things that I never thought I would do. Everyday I learn something new.
5. Write a brief prayer of Thanksgiving for God's longsuffering.
Lord Jesus, thank you for who you are! The creator of the universe, savior of the world and my best friend. You never turn away and You always point me in the right direction - even if I choose not to follow. You are always forgiving to my sins. Thank you for always being there fo me. Amen
Blessings to all of you today!
Thank you for sharing your #1...no doubt many others will find courage in your decision to raise this child to the glory of God! God can resurrect any situation for His Name!
WOW Cyndee.
I'm sorry to hear that the folks in your church couldn't be more supportive!
Thankfully the Lord knows more than any of us what is HIS plan!
And how he works all for the good of his people who love him.
Blessings on you today!
in HIM -
The glory of understanding that God is on our side is when well-meaning church attenders are saying something else we know we can cling to Him. Bless you for your transparency.
Thank you Cyndi for sharing your story. God can turn any situation around for His glory and I'm sure you have been a blessing to many others in the same situation.
I just pray that you have now found a church that is living out what they are called to be--Christ-like! I have someone close to me that went through something similar and made the same decision you did. Good for you!
Bless you dear one.
You will neva know how much this has blessed me today Cyndee.
You are so real.. so honest... and you don't try to hide behind a pretense of hoopla...
My bestfriend that I just wrote about... that died...
went through what you went through... so my heart goes right there with you.. because she shared the intimate details of her pain...
I know you are loved for you are His beloved, Cyndi
Beautiful answers! I also need time to decipher who's voice I'm hearing.
Thanks for sharing. And blessings to you!
Thanks for sharing, Cyndee. Having had girls in the same shoes, I can appreciate your honesty. God already had plans for that little one.
It took courage and determination to stand and tell the truth, and then to stick to your guns. Bless you!
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