I guess that the picture helps explain part of what has been taking up my time this May. I have really been trying to post, but mostly have been a lurker and reading my favorite blogs when I have a few minutes. I am just going to take some time to note some highlights.
*As a teacher, this is the month when I get to grade the huge individual lab project that I assign. I am grateful that I only have 50 to grade - but multiply by 20 minutes each and it can be overwhelming.
*We have also entered severe weather time - which comes with thunder storms and tornados. We were hunkered down in our basement last Sunday. We live close to the tornados that hit Hugo, MN. Many of those folks attend our church and Roger has even helped the family that lost their son. I teach many of the students and have just listened to the stories - grateful for their lives. Please pray for our church and community as we help rebuild.
*May is also the month of ceremonies.
*Charity is moving from 9th grade at the Jr. High to the High school next year. They had a 9th grade award ceremony. I am so proud of her excellence in academics and sports. She received an award for having a GPA above 3.8 for 3 years and was honored for the Science student of the year. She didn't really want this - she wanted the Math award. The ironic thing is that Charity helps the girl that won it. I guess that it isn't all about the award...
*We also had the synchro banquet where the girls are honored for their achievements at the Section and State tournaments. Charity placed 2nd in short figures out of 210 girls. Her other routines did good as well. 6th/14 in her duet, 7th/14 in her trio and 6th/10 in team. The team placed 4th overall out of 12 teams. They are shooting for 3rd next year!
*In the evening we have been trying to fit in time for mowing the lawn and attending Eli's baseball games. He has 3 next week to make up for two rained out games. Baseball is not fun in the rain.
It is just starting to feel like work is getting in the way of our life. So, it is good that school is almost out - this is the last week for us! We have several trips planned and lots of family time. The kids are growing up so fast - I want to enjoy every minute that I can! It is a blessing to have the summer off - even if it means a smaller paycheck.
I must go, thank for reading.
Oh my word. I had no idea you guys are in tornado country. Praying you all stay safe through the season.
Congrats to your girl! How excited she must be in her synchro accomplishments.
Nice to see a picture of you in your profile. Now I have a face that I can see when I see Riezzee's Place pop up in my bloglines. :v)
Did I ever tell you I did synchro my senior year in high school? It was our first year for snychro, since we didn't have a swim team that year (I can't remember why). We didn't compete - just learned basics and then did a show.
It worked muscles I didn't know I had. Maybe I should get back to that... or something.
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