Saturday, September 29, 2007
Birthday boy
Friday, September 28, 2007
Something funny...
The person that actually owns the car is climbing into the driver seat and asks me if I am coming home with them. I just closed the back door and proceeded to my real car! I could not believe that I just did that! And I even have personalized plates!
Needless to say my daughter laughed her head off when I told her! Can you imagine the story the owner of the car told. "Well, you won't believe this, but one of the swim mom's at the meet tried to get into our car today after the meet. Isn't that hilarious!"
I figure we all need to laugh at our selves once in awhile. Maybe it was God's way of saying I was taking myself too seriously. Thanks for laughing with me - or in this case, at me.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Fall into reading

I am finally posting my Fall Into Reading list. It seems that I have an ongoing list (see sidebar) but this challenge, like it's host Katrina, helps me to get to those pesky non-fiction books that stretch me. I have had a couple - even a couple from the Spring challenge, but I am going to give it another shot. So here is my official list.
9 things you simple must do by Henry Cloud: I started this last spring and I am about half way through it. I am actually trying to apply some of the principles. I really want to get this one done.
Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by JoAnne Weaver: Also a hold over from last spring. I keep reading great reviews and quotes on this. I am going to work on this one next - before the fiction....:)
Now Discover your Strengths by Marcus Buckingham: I acquired this book after hearing him speak at a leadership conference this summer. He is a dynamic speaker and I am hoping the book is just as interesting. I am waiting on the husband for this one. He does so much better at non-fiction than I do!
Holy Discontent by Bill Hybels: This is another great speaker and pastor of Willow Creek Community Church outside Chicago. I read one of his books, Too Busy Not To Pray, in college. It was eye opening. I have a feeling this book might have the same affect. I am hoping to get to it.
Now on to the fiction:
True Light by Terri Blockstock: This is the third book is a series about how the world would function without anything that runs on electricity. Intriguing for my scientific mind.
Sunrise and Summer by Karen Kingsbury: My book list would not be complete without including one of my favorite authors on my reading list. Continuation of the Firstborn series.
Kingdom Come by Tim LaHaye: Last book in the left behind series. It seems like it might be anti climatic, but I will give it a go.
I am sure that I will be adding to my list as I look at other peoples list and read reviews. I love reading and this is so much fun.
Happy Reading everyone!
Swim Sections...
I am her biggest cheerleader and fan. It might be because I am afraid to swim with my head in the water - the side stroke is my favorite! I am amazed that she can jump in and just swim - I have no idea where this love has come from - uh, GOD! She has also managed to juggle her time swimming with doing homework and hanging out with friends.
I just needed to take the time to give her a shout - out! Even if nobody but me reads this...
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Tailbone Revisited
I fell down my stairs last summer sometime. The pain got better and then it got worse. I finally went to the doctor this summer. I figured it would just get better on its own - not so much. The orthopedic surgeon that I was referred to said that it was a tailbone fracture that has now healed at an odd angle and is causing the pain. I got my first cortisone injection yesterday. I must admit that shaking hands with a doctor with your naked butt in the air is close to the most humiliating feeling ever - and I gave birth to two children!
If feels better today, but not gone. My next step is surgery to remove the piece of tailbone that broke off. Apparently it does not serve any purpose and will not be missed by me if it is removed. I am almost to the point of going under the knife to get this pain removed. It really is not much of an honor to carry around a foam donut to sit on in a fancy restaurant - undignified?
I am perservering through this, knowing that God is my great healer. I just want to be able to sit through a movie comfortably or do my scrapbooking without constant up and downs. Thank you all for the prayers and the doctors and God work.
Thanks for reading.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
I AM Study - Lesson 14

It is almost over! It has been such a great adventure. Here are my answers, better late then never.
1. We talked of the importance of encouragement when God has called us to task. Has a lack of encouragement or even ridicule ever taken you back to a place of insufficiency you thought you had conquered?
I think that I struggle more with an independent streak. I have never grown up with a lot of encouragement, but plugged through life. I do find that I don't attempt anything that I think I might fail at. I am horrible at trying new things and testing the waters. Once it works, why try something different?
2. Is there someone you know right now who is attempting a new ministry that could use a world of encouragement from you? Why do you think this thing may be scary for her? Will you commit to write a note, make a call, or send an email with a dose of courage inside?
I don't know any at the moment. I will keep my eyes and ears open.
3. Read Moses' song in Exodus 15:3-18. What line speaks to you most? Why does it touch you?
I know you said verse 3, but I liked verse #2
The Lord is my strength and my song;
he has become my salvation.
He is my God, and I will praise him,
my father's God, and I will exalt him.
Just that if I fail, He is my strength. Even when I feel weak, He is there and I will exalt Him.
4. Based on the applications of living either inside or outside the Promise, where would you now say you currently reside? (As I read your answers, if this one point seems to have been confusing, I'll elaborate in a separate post. Again remember I am asking this question in terms of abundant living and not in determining salvation.;))
I am definitely inside the promise, but trying to grow closer and deeper in my relationship. God is growing me and pruning me.
5. If you are 'Somewhere in the Middle' between the girl you were and the one you want to be, how do you plan on changing that? Is there a barrier you feel you can't climb? Knowing God is for you and this study group is for you, is there a way we can help?
Like many others have said, I think that we are all in the middle. We won't get there until we die and see our Lord in heaven. Every time I think I am close, God shows me another part of my life that needs cleaning and rearranging. I am so grateful that He never gives up on me.
Blessings to all!
God Bless
Monday, September 10, 2007
First week in review
The weekend was full of chores, -laundry, change bedding, vaccuuming, etc. I used every minute possible to read the last Harry Potter book. I just had to get it done! A good read for sure. The weather has finally cooled off. The high all this week is expected to be in the high 60's and low 70's. I just love fall weather! The colors of the leaves and cooler nights are just my cup of tea.
This week has only one swimmeet, so that is good. Church schedules are picking up - so our nights will soon be full. I am going to try and work on the "I AM" study this week. I am only a week behind. Just needed to get this updated.
Monday, September 03, 2007
I am still here...
We have a lot of pre-school meetings - to learn about new studies and what our test results are. I think that they want to encourage us, but somehow it comes across as failure. How much can I do in 85 minutes a day for 9 weeks (45 days)? Can I really change how they see the world? What difference do I really make? Yet, Christ in me shouts, YES, your life makes a difference because I died for you. I want to glorify Him in this public school that I call work. I want to build relationships with kids that are lonely, to make connections. I want to be that teacher that kids remember made a difference. The funny thing is that I don't know if I am making any impact - they will rarely come back and thank me - oh the life of a teacher. If your kids have not returned to school yet, please remember to pray for them as they get on those buses and enter our hallways. As a teacher, we care about them as much as you do!
In preparation, I have pretty much secluded myself and been reading Harry Potter. I do enjoy the story, but haven't finished it yet. There is so much controversy, but this is what kids are reading and I can see why. The boy has been getting his last hours of play with the neighbor kids and the girl went away for the weekend with a friend with a cabin. It has been very quiet around our house this weekend - just like I like it. I don't know that I would like it all the time, but it has been nice, knowing in less than 24 hours I will be surrounded. The husband is just biding his time - complaining of the annual headache and stomachache before the first day of school. He is also a teacher (5th grade). I have given him a project that requires power tools and that should keep him occupied for the afternoon. We will both be fine after the first bell.
I have also been fighting with so many computer and silly issues that take my time. I volunteered to help with the new scoring system for my daughters swim team. The computer we used last year is broken and the new one is not talking with the scoring system at the pool. I had to enter everything manually - ug! Technology is great when it works. The GREAT thing is that Charity is swimming on Varsity this year as a 9th grader. She is actually not too happy about it since she has to practice longer. She has already beat her time on the 200 IM from last year. I am sooo proud of her.
Anyway, I am rambling on, probably because I haven't blogged for so long. Thanks for reading and have a great start to the school year.