It is almost over! It has been such a great adventure. Here are my answers, better late then never.
1. We talked of the importance of encouragement when God has called us to task. Has a lack of encouragement or even ridicule ever taken you back to a place of insufficiency you thought you had conquered?
I think that I struggle more with an independent streak. I have never grown up with a lot of encouragement, but plugged through life. I do find that I don't attempt anything that I think I might fail at. I am horrible at trying new things and testing the waters. Once it works, why try something different?
2. Is there someone you know right now who is attempting a new ministry that could use a world of encouragement from you? Why do you think this thing may be scary for her? Will you commit to write a note, make a call, or send an email with a dose of courage inside?
I don't know any at the moment. I will keep my eyes and ears open.
3. Read Moses' song in Exodus 15:3-18. What line speaks to you most? Why does it touch you?
I know you said verse 3, but I liked verse #2
The Lord is my strength and my song;
he has become my salvation.
He is my God, and I will praise him,
my father's God, and I will exalt him.
Just that if I fail, He is my strength. Even when I feel weak, He is there and I will exalt Him.
4. Based on the applications of living either inside or outside the Promise, where would you now say you currently reside? (As I read your answers, if this one point seems to have been confusing, I'll elaborate in a separate post. Again remember I am asking this question in terms of abundant living and not in determining salvation.;))
I am definitely inside the promise, but trying to grow closer and deeper in my relationship. God is growing me and pruning me.
5. If you are 'Somewhere in the Middle' between the girl you were and the one you want to be, how do you plan on changing that? Is there a barrier you feel you can't climb? Knowing God is for you and this study group is for you, is there a way we can help?
Like many others have said, I think that we are all in the middle. We won't get there until we die and see our Lord in heaven. Every time I think I am close, God shows me another part of my life that needs cleaning and rearranging. I am so grateful that He never gives up on me.
Blessings to all!
God Bless
Bless you beautiful one.
Bless you for sharing. I'm lol at your answer to #1--my independent streak means that I am often trying something new just to say that "I can do it." Funny how God manifests similar personality traits differently. Have a great week!
Loving your answers my friend! Thank you for sharing!
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