"As Christians, we are called to convert our loneliness into solitude.
We are called to experience our aloneness not as a wound but as a gift--as God's gift--so that in our aloneness we might discover how deeply we are loved by God."
~ Henri Nouwen ~
I have been out of the loop for a couple of weeks. I have been longing for some alone time. The summer is different without work and school to set the schedule, life is more chaotic. We have activities planned, but there are those days when friends are not available or it is raining. What I see as a perfect time to read and focus, my kids see as boredom. What is a mom to do!
Anyway, back to the topic! My best times with God have been almost scheduled alone time with God. In college, during leadership camps for IVCF, we would have a "Retreat of Silence". It didn't mean that you had to be quiet, but that it was time for you and God to connect - not you and other people. Then we would come together for dinner and share what God showed us during that time. I remember vividly after 15+ years those hours of time focusing on God and singing praise songs. I often long for that - time to just focus on God, but admittedly, if I have time alone I don't usually choose that option. Maybe it is about time to seek that "solitude" and be reminded of God's great love for me.
Thanks for reading!
Anyway, back to the topic! My best times with God have been almost scheduled alone time with God. In college, during leadership camps for IVCF, we would have a "Retreat of Silence". It didn't mean that you had to be quiet, but that it was time for you and God to connect - not you and other people. Then we would come together for dinner and share what God showed us during that time. I remember vividly after 15+ years those hours of time focusing on God and singing praise songs. I often long for that - time to just focus on God, but admittedly, if I have time alone I don't usually choose that option. Maybe it is about time to seek that "solitude" and be reminded of God's great love for me.
Thanks for reading!
Too bad we don't have a leader with a bullhorn telling us "It's time for solitude" :) Those college and camp prescribed times were great! Now we have to pull up our bootstraps and tell ourselves to get alone with God...and you're right we fight it. Blessings...
I remember IVCF "Retreat of Silence" too! I definitely have to schedule solitude into a busy schedule. Thank you for sharing.
Summers have become a spiritual desert. We live in Lake Country. We home school and I attempt year round school, but the government school schedule still dictates our life. Who ever told anyone that 3 months off was a vacation? It isn't a vacation... it is a lifestyle change. Even at church, the sermons change to sermonettes. So many people visiting the area, so many members out of town for the weekend ~ instead of covering a topic that is deep enough to extend into a series of weeks we learn something that can be completely covered in 30 - 45 minutes.
Perhaps I need to be called to a Retreat of Silence. Or... just maybe since I am over 40, I should be mature enough to go there myself.
In the schedule in INK not pencil or it will be easy for me to move it!
Those times are so refreshing, you would think it would be easier to schedule!
and if we don't schedule the time,, GOD will.. I'd rather do it.. not that He can't but you know... I might prefer my way.. smile..
Enjoyed your post. Thanks for sharing and joining us again!
I'd love to have a little of that "retreat time" right about now. But there's a time for every season! I'll grab my moments when I can get them! Thanks for participating this week!
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