Lisa, The Preacher's Wife, is hosting this study. Come along if you like, you can join at anytime.
1. It was stated in the Lesson that God has made you "once, twice, three times a lady." Where are you in this progression? Obviously we have all been physically born, but are you 'twice a lady'? Have you been born again spiritually?
I have been born again since I was 16. I came to Christ after hearing the song "Friends" by Michael W. Smith (am I dating myself here?) at a retreat with Youth for Christ. I wanted a forever friend and I got one plus more than I could imagine. I finally got baptized just last summer - better late than never. I struggled with that whole concept as a teenager and beyond. I got baptized out of obedience not to "save" me. I was already saved but wanted to continue to follow Christ in obedience.
1. It was stated in the Lesson that God has made you "once, twice, three times a lady." Where are you in this progression? Obviously we have all been physically born, but are you 'twice a lady'? Have you been born again spiritually?
I have been born again since I was 16. I came to Christ after hearing the song "Friends" by Michael W. Smith (am I dating myself here?) at a retreat with Youth for Christ. I wanted a forever friend and I got one plus more than I could imagine. I finally got baptized just last summer - better late than never. I struggled with that whole concept as a teenager and beyond. I got baptized out of obedience not to "save" me. I was already saved but wanted to continue to follow Christ in obedience.
2. Are you three times a lady? Has God given you a stirring deep within your Spirit to be a 'deliverer'? Do you have a desire or are you already meeting a need in the life of the church, a particular ministry (such as jail ministry, food ministry, etc.) or perhaps individuals who share common issues?
I have served in many areas in my church. I even moved from Colorado to Minnesota to do ministry (the gospel in mime - really!). It was not my passion, but I learned so much and met my husband. I am searching and waiting. I feel that my ministry right now in this season of my life is to raise my children to be believers and disciples of Christ. I get really unfocused and don't always find this to be important, yet, because I teach high school, I see the affects of uninvolved parents. These are the kids that are struggling more academically, have more discipline issues - and it seems to happen regardless of income or social standing. If parents would be parents.....now I am on a soapbox, next question please...
3. Do you ever get tired of waiting for that opportunity to do something
worthwhile for God? Do you ever feel God is using someone else instead of you?
I think that we all do. It seems that what we consider "worthwhile" is not exactly the same as what God does. It might just be perspective. Many opportunities present themselves if we follow the spirit - inviting people to church, calling if someone is sick or on their birthday - loving your neighbor. God can use anybody, but I do feel left out sometimes - when I don't see the results of changed lives. Everybody can't be a Moses or a David, but we can be the Aaron or the Jonathon that encourages and organizes.
4. What do you consider 'worthwhile ministry'? Are you like me and sometimes find yourself mistakenly thinking it has to be Big to be Important?
4. What do you consider 'worthwhile ministry'? Are you like me and sometimes find yourself mistakenly thinking it has to be Big to be Important?
I think that I already answered this above - I got a little excited :)
5. Have you ever taken a spiritual gifts test? If yes, what are yours?
I have several times. I keep wanting is to change, but it won't. It isn't anything I can return - it is God's gift and who am I to think it isn't the perfect gift. I have two high ones. One is Administration - I just love to organize and plan. Planning our vacation each summer is just so fun as I plot our route and find things to do - I am the map woman! The second one is sheparding - which sometimes shows up as leadership on some tests. I don't really have the "vision" that most leaders have and people don't naturally follow me. But, I do see that in a group I like to direct the conversation and steer it to significant topics, etc.
Can't wait to read and connect with the rest of you.
God Bless and thanks for reading!
5. Have you ever taken a spiritual gifts test? If yes, what are yours?
I have several times. I keep wanting is to change, but it won't. It isn't anything I can return - it is God's gift and who am I to think it isn't the perfect gift. I have two high ones. One is Administration - I just love to organize and plan. Planning our vacation each summer is just so fun as I plot our route and find things to do - I am the map woman! The second one is sheparding - which sometimes shows up as leadership on some tests. I don't really have the "vision" that most leaders have and people don't naturally follow me. But, I do see that in a group I like to direct the conversation and steer it to significant topics, etc.
Can't wait to read and connect with the rest of you.
God Bless and thanks for reading!
Thanks for sharing. I guess your dating your self with the MWS Song, but I so remember that song so I am dating myself too! I was about 8 or so when that song came out, one of my first intros to CCM Music!
I love to plan too, but I didn't score real high on that on my assessment test...
I enjoyed your answers to the discussion questions, bless you.
Thanks for your answers!
I agree with you on the Baptism thing for sure!
I love to plan and organize too - but Administration was one of my lowest scores. I don't enjoy telling others what to do ---- so maybe that is why. I do like to plan and organize though!
I hear your heart! It is such an important job to be a parent to our kids! I love it that you said we all can't be Moses or David! I never wanted to be and was/am happy to be an Aaron, Jonathon or Jude and that can be a problem in itself, not being willing to be used by God wherever He wants me!
Hi Cyndee,
This is my first time at your blog, but I wanted to check out your I Am study. Boy, what great comments you had about wanting God to change your gifts, but realizing that He's got better plans. Also, I heartily agree that parenting is our most important ministry of all--it's hard to feel important and worthwhile some days as a mom, but there's no greater influence we'll have than on our kids. Well said, you!
I am so happy you have joined in our study...I loved your emphasis on your children being your ministry..They are absolutely the most important gift we have been given..!! Bless you for recognizing that. So many times, I have felt like people belittled my choice to 'just be a mom' to my children.
Thank you for your insights!!
What a great take on this study. As a new mom I really appreciate you sharing your feelings about your children being your most important ministry. You are completely right, thank you for sharing this!
Great discussion! I, too, have thought occassionally that it would be nice to "give back" the gifts due to the immensity of the tasks at hand. But a good friend once told me the "finger of God never points where the hand of God won't provide" and I have found Him to be faithful to meet all the needs in the obedience to use the gift. I'm with you that the kids are the first ministry right now. And I learn so much from them to use in other situations. Praise God!
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