Monday, April 28, 2008

Happy Prom?

Well, when I woke up and saw this.

I just knew that I better pack a coat for my chaperoning of Prom.

I want to thank Susanne personally for sending her snowy weather from Alberta our way. The weather did not seem to keep the kids from dancing and having a great time. I will post a photo of the hubby and I when we get them back. Just so you don't feel too bad for me, this is what it looked like on Sunday.Blessings to you all this week!

1 comment:

Susanne said...

Your welcome, anytime! LOL. Today we are sunshiney and expecting a high of 73*F. Crazy. I'll stop complaining as all that moisture even though it was snow, along with the warmth and sun today is going to make everything really green.