Join us once again at The Preacher's Wife for our weekly dose of bible study.
I like the verse before this "Who Am I" (I know, can't I just answer the questions!). God is sending Moses because of the "crying out" of His people. Moses is God's choice to answer these prayers, and as Lisa has mentioned, preparing Moses for 80 years...now on to my answers.
1. How would you answer the questions, "Who Am I?"
I have found a lot of my identity in my accomplishments - good grades in school, scholarships, ministry leadership positions, etc. I am a teacher and that often defines "who" I am when I get in a conversation. But that isn't "who" I am, that is what I do. My "career" is an easy topic.
The below verse was given to me by my Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship leader. She underlined the bolded section below.
Romans 14:7 For none of us lives to himself alone
and none of us dies to himself alone.
8If we live, we live to the Lord;
and if we die, we die to the Lord.
So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.
and none of us dies to himself alone.
8If we live, we live to the Lord;
and if we die, we die to the Lord.
So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.
I belong to the Lord! My stress level has decreased as I apply this scripture to my life and realize that my hope is not based on what I have done or even plan to do, but I am a child of the King. Period.
2. Have you ever been in a situation where you felt inadequate because of your lack of a 'tagline'?
I actually feel like I have the opposite problem. I usually feel more inadequate when I do have a "tagline". I always feel that I should know more or have more expertise, etc. I think that when I operate without expectations, I am going more with God's Will and know that it is not of my creation.
3. Do you have skills or position that you believe God could use mightily if only He would?
I think that I always have that position at home or at school. We all have power. Andy Stanley of North Point Community Church (he has some great online messages for free, click here for the link) had a sermon about power and giving it away. He describes how we need to leverage our power for others. I believe that we are all in a position of power and thus influence - I truly believe He will use me mightily.
4. Have you ever lost a position or station in life you believe could have 'helped God out' with something He has asked you to do? If you haven't lost out, do you perhaps feel you have to gain this in order to be useful to the Kingdom?
I have actually thought about working for a church, that I might be more effective there - if I only went to seminary. Yet, I keep hearing the voice of God say that he needs believers in the marketplace and not to hide in the church building. So, even though I don't have some great title of "Pastor", I know that I am in this place for a reason, even if I don't always see the outcome. This community needs the salt of the living God and I am trying to be that to my students in the public school setting.
5. How are you with your dialogue vs. doubt conversations with God? Which does God hear most from you?
I am thinking that I have more of a dialogue going with God then one about doubt. I am dong much better with my prayer requests - praying the "big" prayers.
Ephesians 3:12 In him and through faith in him
we may approach God with freedom and confidence.
we may approach God with freedom and confidence.
6. Do you believe God's Wonders become more wonderful if they originate in the ordinary? Any Scripture references come to mind?
I still think that it is amazing that God chooses to spread His Word through us. He is full of opposites. Here are some verses that I thought of.
2 Cor. 12:9 But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. 10That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
Mark 9:23
Thanks for reading. Hope to see you all again next week!
I love your answers, bless you.
Beautiful answers! I really enjoyed your March 9:23-24 quote. I need to memorize that one!
Do you realize how much impact you can have as a positive, Godly influence within the public school system? No, you're not supposed to "preach", but it's not so hard to work it into dialouge - this weekend on the way to church... etc.
I've been thinking about your comment to me about whether you need to stay home. I love when my son has special leaders within his school. It's so great that he has those influences when there are so many negative teachers within the system. Maybe you're doing exactly what HE has planned for you....
I love that you contrasted your identity vs Who you are. I am taking this with me "I think that when I operate without expectations, I am going more with God's Will and know that it is not of my creation" it speaks all over my current situation! Thanks for sharing.
I love that you recognize your workplace as a ministry...And if I understand right that you are a public school teacher - well what better place could God place you in to be a light for this generation??! :)
Loved your insights..
"For none of us lives onto himself alone"....
that would speak a whole new meaning to "identity"...
but we do define who we are by our lifes.. don't we... or I did.. and do, if I am truthful...
but the beauty of Christ -- is.. as all of us... in this little group.. that so much want to make a difference.. can.. by recognizing "Who we are"...in Him.
I loved that you choose this scripture... and your answers..
I think it is easy to define ourselves by accomplishment, job, etc--but to just be able to say I belong to Jesus is more difficult to say. So, thank you for saying it! Bless you for sharing your answers.
I agree with everyone about your job as a teacher. There are so many kids out there who don't have godly moms and dads. They need you to show Jesus to them.
Thanks for your answers.
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