This is our last meeting together. It has been so wonderful to have a chance to read everyone's entries over the month's and get to know each of you through your answers to this study. I am as sad as Lisa is to say it is over, but the journey has been such a joy. So thank you for joining me. Blessings.
What is one thing God has taught you through this study?
For me it has been a time of reflecting on my life and seeing all the amazing things that God has done for me. Even when I have sinned and turned away from God, He never left me. Just like He never left the Isrealites or Moses when they sinned.
I am able to see my life as redeemed because the Great I AM has rescued me! I have eternity to praise him - and eternity starts now!
Since God is the great I AM, I am able to be ALL that He created me to be. He will use my "stutterings" for His glory. It is my calling to obey and follow His lead. Moses was called to the wilderness to find God. We have all had our taste of wilderness, some currently and some in our past and maybe in our future. God taught Moses about Himself there and we often do the same. We learn about ourselves in those hard times of our lives.
Thanks for joining me on this journey. Come back and visit!
Bless you for sharing. It has been a great journey!
So blessed to have been on this journey with you!! I will be back to visit!! Love and prayers...
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