I just wanted to thank those of you that left comments after my "discouraged" post. I am feeling better about it and agree that I just need to wait. In God's timing I will be in the place where He wants me. After all, how long did Moses wait?

We just finished a school break here called MEA (Minnesota Education Association) Break. This is a time when the teachers can go to meetings sponsored by the local union. Needless to say, we don't go to the meetings. My husband takes this opportunity to go bowhunting for deer in North Dakota with a friend. It is one of the only times that he leaves without us. I don't quite get the whole hunting thing - but he enjoys his time away. It is my gift to him. He killed a deer this year. See picture on the left. He only had a license for a

"mommy" deer as the boy calls it. His friend Mike got a "daddy" deer this year. See picture on the right. We now have deer roast, steak and the rest will be processed into summer sausage and venison sticks. The kids really love the meat. Very surprising.
The kids and I just hung out. It was rainy here last Thursday and Friday. Charity still had swim practice and had some friends over to work on some homework. Eli still played outside between rain showers. I can't keep that boy inside. I moved some furniture and ran some errands that never seem to get done on regular work days or weekends. I also sat around and finished a jigsaw puzzle. I get in the mood every once in awhile. I usually glue them and hang them in a frame. The current one is going to be a gift for my sister-in-law. I don't know if she will like it. I hope so. This is my idea of modern art - it may not be the same for her.
I am off to catch up on your blogs. Thanks for reading!
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