As I was waiting in line at Wal-Mart, I was wondering what the cashiers (or anyone really) would be able to find out about me from the items I purchased. I think that it would be fascinating.
So, here is the list of items I purchased and then I will imagine what someone would be able to tell about me. See if you could figure anything out.
2 boxes of Cookie Crisp Cereal
IAMS bag of weight control cat food
Bottle of strawberry flavored water - Sam's Club brand
Sam's Club trail mix
12 rolls of double roll toliet paper
2 bottles of Purex laundry detergent
2 bottles of Sam's Club Bleach
Fish food
Half and Half
2 packages of Maxi pads
Cloth adhesive tape - for bandages/cuts
Band-aids - off brand
RV winterizing antifreeze
2 packages of flushable wipes
2 boxes of 100 ziploc sandwich bags
1 box of 50 quart size ziploc bags
Heavy duty self-adhesive velcro strips
cordless telephone
1 bottle of fabric softener
I would say that I definitely have children. Many things give that away- cookie crisp cereal, band-aids (which seem to be on my monthly list), and the flushable wipes.
Second, I have pets. Specifically fish and cats. That one was pretty simple to figure out.
I don't live alone. I am buying way too much toliet paper to be living by myself.
I may have just done laundry or need to do laundry with the amount of detergent I bought. (I actually need to do it and ran our of soap)
Someone likes to drink coffee. In a bunch of groceries half and half may not be a sign, but it seems to be a random food item that needed purchasing (yes, it is true, but it is for my husband).
Own a camper, again, the winterizing fluid is a dead giveaway.
Kids possibly take lunches to school - thus the sudden need for so many sandwich bags. (Actually it is for me and the husband - we take lunch and they eat at school usually)
That is all I have, just was an interesting thought!
Is there anything that you can find out about me from these purchases? Just chime in..